A list of 31 random facts about me:
1. I am ridiculously addicted to One Tree Hill & Friday Night Lights-- 2 shows that I think I am just too old to watch-- but I do anyway.
2. I am relieved/sad to be done with the new baby/pregnancy part of my life.
3. I like working out much more than I thought I would. Scary.
4. I have a tattoo. And I would like another one.
5. I am TIRED of having to choose which presidential candidate sucks less. I would love to have an actual choice & be able to enthusiatically endorse a candidate.
6. I love fun, different purses.
7. I wish I was brave in high school & college and tried different things.
8. I think living overseas would be fantastic- scary- but fantastic.
9. I question the theory behind public school education on a regular basis.
10. I love my chocolate brown velour pants. I would wear them everywhere if it was appropriate.
11. I love to read. I wish I had more time to do it.
12. My kids have never had lima beans or brussel sprouts. I think they are disgusting & in good conscience can not make my children eat them.
13. I love gobstoppers.
14. I get that not everyone shares my beliefs (and thats fine), but I get really annoyed when I am mocked because of them. I don't have a bumper sticker that says "Turn or Burn", why should I be ridiculed?
15. Fall is my favorite season. I love sweaters & pretty leaves & good football weather.
16. I wish I was taller.
17. My favorite shows when I was a kid were: Knight Rider, A-Team & The Cosby Show.
18. Trader Joe's has great ice cream sandwiches (and other good snacks as well).
19. I like the color blue.
20. I love Squirt & Dt. Dr. Pepper.
21. The best scrapbooking snack is peanut m & m's.
22. Lately, I feel as if I have lost my creative mojo. It concerns me.
23. I love office supplies. I don't have an office.
24. I would love to study photography.
25. The thought of raising teenagers scare the bejeebers out of me. I know I have awhile until I have one, but the way my 5 yr old rolls her eyes at me makes me think it is sooner than I think.
26. I listen to Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, Pink & Finger Eleven when I work out.
27. I share my ipod with my daughters, so besides what's listed in #26, it also has the soundtracks to High School Musical (1&2), The Wiggles & Backyardigans.
28. I IM my husband from across the living room.
29. I love skim lattes from Dunkin Donuts.
30. I hate all chores relating to clothes: laundry, seasonal changing of the wardrobe, putting away clothes, cleaning out closets & drawers.
31. I love my laptop.
Whew. That was harder than I thought it would be!
Have a good weekend!