and I have to say I am disappointed. I wanted an A. The feedback was really frustrating as well. He graded the one picture, then picked 3 more out of our 36 that he thinks are better/just as good as the one I chose to get graded. These are pictures he picked & what he had to say.
"Not to be offensive, but this looks like one of those generic Hallmark pictures on cards." (I know this & is why I didn't choose this one to be graded!)
"would work better as a square picture- but interesting."
"because of the time of day & use of the fill flash, the details are so sharp & the background blurry, it looks fake." (he never did say if this was a good thing or bad thing)

And then the B+.....
"don't you think the trees completely overwhelm the rider? Well, now as I look at it more, I think it would work much better blown up to 16X20, framed & matted"
Needless to say, I am a bit frustrated by his feedback. I didn't really find it all that helpful -- so I don't have high hopes for the grade on my next assignment. I can redo the picture I turned in to try for a higher grade. I think I am going to wait & see how the next one goes, before I start redoing assignments. Who has time for that???
Off to take pictures of shadows & silhouettes!!