The other two are teachers gifts for Christmas (I think I am going to add a gift card too.)
They are really fun to make (with the exception of hot glue gun injuries!) and don't really take much time.
And these were my Thanksgiving craft this year. I thought the kids could help me make them, which they did- a little. But I ended up finishing them. Which Jason laughed at me for. They are little placecards for the table. We made them for everyone that came to our house for dinner. The girl bonnets are supposed to have white bows, but I can't find (or ran out of) my white ribbon- so I made due. Karen wasn't so sure the Puritans would have been that flashy with colored ribbon! :)
I actually have another project to post- I used reverse applique on E's jeans & it turned out pretty cute. But the little one is sleeping right now (in the room with the jeans) & you NEVER wake a sleeping baby!!
So, I will post later!