For those that don't know-- I tend to dabble in lots of various crafting areas. I make bows for the girls (mostly mine, but I sell a few as well to friends). I do a little sewing (not well- but I am trying). I mainly paper craft-- card making, scrapbooking, altering of objects (most recently starbucks jars & clipboards). I have made jewelry in the past, but haven't recently (mostly because my jewelry stuff is packed).
Here are some pics of my latest creations:
Its a shame you can't really see the other ribbon- it has cupcakes on it. The center of the bow is korker ribbon, various lengths of rick rack & some lengths of double ruffle ribbon.
Some materials as before- just out together in a different way.
This simple bow I made for #3's 2 yr old pictures. The ribbon is attached to an alligator clip, so it slids easily into her hair (and out too as she often likes to prove!)
#3's pig tail bows. These are smaller than the first two bows, so they look better in her fine hair.
I have some more close up pictures of the clipboard, but I have been having problems uploading pictures & can't seem to get it to upload the rest. (HAH--got it to work, hours later, but its working!)
Close up of the side view.
Another close up
I think this picture is slightly better than the other one (still working on my picture taking skills)
So, that's all I have for now. I am in the midst of working on a few books for my cousin's HS graduation party, as well as a huge board (think GIANT scrapbook page) of her school pictures.
FWIW- I am addicted to paper. My eyes glaze over when I hit the scrapbook stores. All those rows of cool paper! I think I have more paper than I could probably use (but man, I am trying!) I have to say I have never bought my kids clothes that match paper I have...(not yet anyway).
I also have a slight, lesser consuming addiction to ribbon. My poor husband!